1.1 It has the total geographical area of 10,434 sq. K.M.s. Which accounts for 13.3% of the total geographical area of the State. It mostly consists of undulating and hilly terrain with numerous rivers and streams.
1.2 The district can be broadly divided into two physiographic units viz. hills and plains. About 85 percent of the district is covered by the hills. The highest peak in the district rises to a height of 1360 meters. The area located between the northern and southern hills in Diphu sub-division is characterised by undulating plains of subdued relief. The plain areas consist of valleys of the Jamuna, Kapili and Dhansiri rivers lying in its eastern part. Besides these three major rivers of the district, other minor streams include Kaliani, Barapani, Patradisa and Dikharu. The landscape ecological studies of forests of Karbi Anglong indicate a high amount of landscape heterogeneity promoting greater bio-diversity. These forest areas are natural museums of living giant trees, a treasure house of rare, endemic and endangered species, a dispensary of medicinal plants , a garden for Botanists, a gene bank for economically important organisms, a paradise for nature lovers and a laboratory for environmentalists.
1.3 According to 1991 Census, the population of Karbi Anglong District is 6,63,000 and is dominated by Karbi Tribe. Besides Karbis, Lalungs (Tiwas), Dimasa Kacharis, Rengma Nagas, Kuki, Garos, Khasis and Shyams occupy various pockets of the District and maintain their own ethenic identity.
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